カナダBC州ビクトリア市のガラス・モザイクアート作家「Shattered and in Pane」代表のConnie Kaziechkoさん。地元のアートギャラリーでの展示販売やオリジナルギフトの制作、さらにワークショップを開催しガラスモザイクの魅力を発信しています。
Connie Kaziechko, representative of "Shattered and in Pane", is a glass and mosaic artist in Victoria, BC, Canada. Her works include a stained glass nugget spheres, memory stones and mosaics. Supplying SeaGlass Beads for jewellers and artists of all levels, her SeaGlass workshops is very popular and growing even beyond Victoria.
Glen Lake Road
Victoria, British Columbia V9B 4B5
The latest works. October 17, 2021